Integrated Planning and Review™
Efficient Land Use Permits and Environmental Reviews
Integrated Planning and Review Seamlessly Integrates Applicant and Agency Planning and Environmental Review and Compliance to Avoid Delays, Save Money, and Reduce the Risk of Conflict
Powered by the Proven Experience of
Judith Lee, President, Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc
Robert Cunningham, Pathway Consulting Service, LLC

Does it take too long, cost too much, and cause too much pain and conflict to obtain or provide land use permits?

Do managers and staff know the regulatory processes for obtaining land use permits,
including environmental compliance and review?

Are poor and stove-piped relationships and interactions within your organization (both
applicants and agencies) and with contractors slowing down the permitting process?

Does drama-free and legally compliant strategic, productive and collaborative land use permitting with sustainable environmental and social benefits sound like your agenda?

Are you interested in efficiently conducting the permitting process while actively meeting the needs and improving the environment, working relationships, and communities?
Obtain and Deliver Faster Permit Approvals, with Increased Certainty at a Fraction of the Cost

For more information on additional services provided by Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc related to planning, NEPA, the Facilitated Planning Process and Informed Facilitation, environmental and planning document review, conflict resolution, and NEPA applied to many sectors, please see www.jlee-eps.com

Does learning and applying the agency processes and regulations using a proven and seamless process fill the missing link in increasing the speed of obtaining/delivering well-planned land use permits?
Strategic Consulting Support to applicants and agencies and their contractors through part or all of the pre-application, application, environmental review and compliance, and permitting processes, with no conflict of interests in serving any or all of the parties for the same project Consulting Services
Tailored Training for the needs of applicants, permitting agencies, and/or contractors in learning the regulations and pre-application and application processes and developing powerful strategies for efficient
permitting and environmental review Training
Analytic Document Review for ensuring the quality of the analysis and information provided to and accepted by the agency for completed application and environmental compliance and review with lowered risk of repeat planning and documentation Consulting Services
Management of Applicant, Agency, and Contractor Interdisciplinary Teams to ensure efficient and constructive integrated and collaborative planning and environmental reviews through productive pre-application and application processes and decision making Consulting Services