Contact Us
Judith Lee, President, Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc
Robert Cunningham, Pathway Consulting Service, LLC
If you are interested in talking with satisfied clients or would like more information about our services, please contact us. We would love to talk with you.
If you are from a Federal agency, we can help you with contracting, including using the GSA Schedule held by Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc for both consulting (Schedule 899-1) and training (Schedule 899-3). You can find Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc GSA catalog at GSA Advantage Search for GS-10F-0046R.
For more information on additional services provided by Environmental Planning Strategies, Inc related to planning, NEPA, the Facilitated Planning Process and Informed Facilitation, environmental and planning document review, conflict resolution, and NEPA applied to many sectors, please see www.jlee-eps.com